Some of our organizational and Programs components and approaches to support are unique. Where we have components in common with other organizations, we strive for optimal design and implementation. We believe this has produced an organization and Programs that we already can describe as “uniquely effective.”
We are mindful of and guided by not only our own constantly refined knowledge and perceptions, but by the insightful words of a high-tech industry leader who stated: “It’s very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better.” Results of our Programs, now including eight graduation classes and encouraging success metrics, suggest that we are already well along a path of doing things “better.”
Our two-level Programs provide foundational skills and then leadership skills. Many of our Level II graduates serve as mentors for Level I participants, which not only reinforces the former’s progress, but enables our Programs to be particularly effective and self-sustaining.
Level 1
Our Level I program provides skills and support needed to integrate into mainstream society, as well as housing assistance, resume building and job readiness skills, education on child support enforcement systems, parenting and communication skills, referrals to community services, and assistance navigating the criminal justice system. Weekly mentoring sessions by phone or Zoom (online) monitor skills building. We also carefully monitor and evaluate behaviors known to be related to recidivism, employment, and family relationships. There are 12 Level I curriculum components, on which mentors and attendees spend a full week each.
Level 2
Level I graduates interested in developing mentoring and leadership skills are invited to enter Level II training. Level II focuses on building and refining leadership skills, and graduates can become certified FOTM mentors who work with Level I graduates. In addition to mentoring, Level II graduates can become leaders at our pre- or post-release centers.
The Level II curriculum is presented in another 12-week program that provides skills needed to become mentors and program leaders, and to coordinate housing and support services for post-release individuals reentering community living